We are at your service!

Are allergies bothering your family?

Our professionals keep your home free of dirt, dust, and contaminants. Schedule an appointment today!


Which parts of my duct system need to be cleaned?

We clean the supply and return grills, the interior surfaces and the HVAC system itself because all of these parts can attract contaminants. Check out our FAQ section below for additional details on this any many other questions about air ducts.

Does the condenser unit require cleaning?

Yes. Washing is the best way to clean the condenser unit's fins and keep its performance optimal. It is best to use a hose for that. Remember to keep the water pressure moderate in order to protect the fins from bending. You can also use a specially formulated cleaner if there is sticky dirt around the fins. In this case, properly rinsing them will be crucial.

Which type of dryer vents is the best one?

Rigid metal ducts have the lowest rate of lint buildup and cannot catch fire. Besides, they are extremely durable. However, fitting them can be challenging. The semi-rigid metal ducts are more flexible and easier to install in tight spaces. They have a low rate of lint accumulation and high fire resistance.

How long does it take to clean the entire system?

For a team of two technicians, cleaning an entire air duct system can take an average of 2 to 4 hours. This estimation can decrease or increase in direct proportion to the system's size and the severity of its condition. You should therefore never procrastinate getting professional assistance. The longer you wait, the worse your system gets. The worse it gets, the longer it'll take to restore it.

How often do my HVAC air ducts need cleaning?

There are several factors that affect the frequency. These include the size, design and condition of the HVAC system. The surrounding environment is also important. If there is most dust in the local area, air duct cleaning will be required more often. The final factor is the household. Families with children, elderly members and pets will benefit from more frequent cleaning.

How do you know if you have creosote buildup?

Aliso Viejo homeowners can detect a shiny, tar-like substance on the chimney walls. Our experts assess and address creosote buildup effectively.

How messy is chimney cleaning?

Our Aliso Viejo team employs efficient and clean methods to minimize mess. Trust us for a hassle-free chimney cleaning experience.

How long should it take to clean a chimney?

Aliso Viejo residents can expect efficient service; the duration depends on factors like chimney size and condition.


Have any questions? We can help! Leave us your contact information below and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

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Mar 29, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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Thank you for choosing our company! Feel free to browse our website for more information in the meantime. Our team at Air Duct Cleaning Aliso Viejo is at your service any time!